Monday, August 13, 2007

Marriage...I feel so guilty!

Alright ladies...

I am just a passerby on this blog, usually, but I have had some things on my mind that I would like to hear advice on. I am a college aged girl and a memeber. I am also very happily married. We have been married for about a year. I adore my husband, he treats me wonderful and is incredibly handsome. I have just started a new job though, and one of my co-workers is about my husbands age (7 years older than i) and i find him attractive. No harm there right? There are lots of men that will still make us married folk turn our heads right? Well I can't help but to feel completely guiltly about how attracted I am to this guy. I know he isn't someone I would ever date or marry because he has, well, lower standards that I wouldn't settle for but I think that because of that I think about him even more. I am definitely in love with my husband and couldn't imagine being without him. I think that because I know i shouldn't be thinking about this other guy, and because I am married, I do it even more. I love my marriage and husband but he doesn't give me butterflies any more, and its hard push them aside when I see this other guy.

Anyway, I know it is only natural to be attracted to people but the "mormon" in me says the natural man is an enemy to God, but I am having trouble steering my thoughts away. As a mormon the guilt trip is playing through my head, and i tried to ask for forgiveness yesterday at church. I feel so awful and guilty and I have no one to tell but all you lovely righteous women. Help me!! =] What should I do? Has this happened to you before?? Any advice?

Thanks for reading...